Recruiting talent has never been as critical as it is today. It seems like recruiting strategies are changing at the speed of light, and human resource departments and management have to keep up with the latest trends and changes in the workforce. And, for the first time, there are now five generations in the workplace working together side-by-side. This creates new challenges for managers as they attempt to engage employees at various stages of their careers.
When recruiting talent, you want employees that are engaged in their positions, which means finding those whose skills and needs match the job as closely as possible. Here are five tips on how to recruit top talent and stay up-to date on recruiting trends.
Recruiting for talent
We live in a climate of uncertain economy, vicious competition and skyrocketing turnover. Make sure you’re bringing in the right people who will be engaged and perform at all levels.
Also, be sure to highlight your company culture. Revealing to talent what working for your company would be like on a daily basis could be an early indicator of if it’s a good fit or not. For instance, some people like working in open environments or for companies that support the environment.
An employee-first focus
The best way to recruit and retain the very best talent is to create a culture where employees are the first focus of the company. Employees who feel that they are valued, get to regularly use their own special skills, and are treated as important figures in the company are less likely to look for employment somewhere else.
Highlight employee skills
When advertising a role, learn what your current employees are good at and highlight within the job description exactly what it would take for a candidate to succeed. Make it clear that you’re looking for someone who would be happy, fulfilled and engaged in this kind of job. It’s about desire and talent as much as it is experience and transferable skills.
Measure emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is considered increasingly important for organizations as business leaders are looking for employees who have more than just technical skills. Engage in assessments of emotional intelligence, as well as the candidate’s other skills and IQ.
Be involved
Be involved with the recruitment, hiring and employee development process. Establish solid relationships and an open, constant line of communications.